Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One of my staff brought to my attention this morning that the latest issue of Real Simple magazine has a useful article on how to spot medical billing errors and a mention of FAIR Health data:

"Chances are, you don't stop to study sales receipts or read bills thoroughly before paying them.  Hey, you're busy!  But the people who prepare your bills are busy, too, and they can make mistakes.  Case in point: Up to 40 percent of medical bills may contain errors, according to Stephen Parente, a professor of health finance at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis.  That's why it's worth taking a few valuable seconds to scan your bills.  Here's the scoop.

How to spot it: Once you receive the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your health insurer, call the billing department of your doctor or hospital to request a detailed, itemized receipt.  This receipt should match your EOB; make sure it lists the correct procedure, with no double billing.  If a fee seems surprisingly high, go to, a database that provides cost estimates for medical services.  A big discrepancy between your bill and the estimate could mean that you are being overcharged.

How to fight it: First address questionable charges with the billing department and your insurer.  Tell them, "This bill is not what I expected to pay for this service, and I hope you can help me look more closely at the details," suggests Erin Moaratty, a spokesperson for the non-profit Patient Advocate Foundation, in Hampton, Virginia.  If the representative can't address your concerns, ask to speak with a supervisor.  For a very steep bill consider hiring a medical advocate, who will contest the charges (find one at  Just bear in mind that you'll probably have to pay the advocate $50 to $150 an hour or a percentage of your savings; the cost can quickly add up."

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